Awards Committee

Learn more about SOFT's awards


The SOFT Educational Research Award (ERA) was conceived in 1978 by Dr. Vincent Lynch of Saint John's University to demonstrate the Society’s support of academic training programs and research in forensic toxicology. The ERA was approved by the Board of Directors in December 1978, and established an Awards Committee to review applications and select Award recipients. The first ERA, funded by a grant from Hoffman LaRoche, was made in 1980.

In 2002, the SOFT Board of Directors established the Young Scientist Meeting Award (YSMA). The YSMA is intended to recognize bench-level scientists working in the field of forensic toxicology. The first YSMA was awarded at the 2003 SOFT meeting in Portland, Oregon.

Each of these awards is to be used to offset travel costs to attend the SOFT annual meetings. Awards consist of a $2,000 stipend plus basic registration for the annual SOFT meeting. All application materials must be submitted by the first Friday in April. Awardees will be notified by June 1 to allow time for making travel plans.

In 2020, the SOFT Board of Directors established four (4) additional Annual Awards: 1) Young Forensic Toxicologist Award 2) Research in Forensic Toxicology Award 3) Teaching and Mentoring Awards 4) Distinguished Service Award. The first of these were presented at the SOFT 2021 Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN.

Current Committee

  • Sara Schreiber, Chair
  • Rusty Lewis, Vice Chair
  • Aria McCall
  • Katherine Dozier
  • Mary Bouschard
  • Kayla Neuman, 2025 Scientific Program Coordinator 
  • Tyson Baird, 2025 Scientific Program Coordinator